黑糖椰丝慢煎糕/慢煎糕 Larut Matang Hawker Centre

慢煎糕Apam Balik大家应该都有吃过吧。这种在马来西亚到处都有卖的慢煎糕名称可不少,北马人称它为慢煎糕,怡保人则称它为大块面而中马一带则称它为青龙包或煎㶶包。可分为薄脆的或厚片的。今天要向大家介绍的是在太平Larut Matang Hawker Centre里的慢煎糕。这里卖的是厚片的慢煎糕。慢煎糕可谓华人式的花生松饼。用一个平底铁盘在炉火上烧,浇上一勺的面糊之后散开,小中火煎至表面布满洞孔,大约1分钟。再撒上砂糖和花生碎,随后对折,再切成小块三角形即可。据老板透露,他从小就跟父亲学作慢煎糕,在这里也经营了二十多年。最近他也研发了一种新口味的慢煎糕那就是用黑糖和椰丝做馅料,深受大家的喜爱。黑糖养生,加入了椰丝让这慢煎糕有了咸甜的层次感而且也不会太甜,非常适合现代人要吃得健康的理念。一片只卖RM0.70。老板也透露其实他们也想向卖薄脆慢煎糕看齐,加入不同的馅料如蛋,香蕉,巧克力等等奈何因为成本的关系,老板唯有暂时把计划搁置。大家来这里可以试试原味或黑糖椰丝慢煎糕,肯定会爱上它。

This is one of the most popular & delicious Apam Balik in Taiping. Apam Balik is the tradition Malaysian peanut pancake. The peanut flake is the main ingredient of the topping, the more flake the better it is.  There are two kind of Apam Balik available in the market & here is selling the thick pan size Apam Balik. It has a new taste of shredded coconut with brown sugar pancake as well. A must try food when visiting Taiping, located at the Jalan Panggong Wayang, Larut Matang Hawker Centre.    

Address : Larut Matang Hawker Centre,
No 1, Jalan Panggong Wayang,
34000 Taiping, Perak.

Business Hours : 7am - 12pm

GPS 4.849542, 100.740343



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